OystHERS Scholarship

The OystHERS scholarship is a new annual scholarship given by the founders of OystHERS Raw Bar & Bubbly in Bath. This scholarship will be given to a deserving senior who does not necessarily have to have worked at the restaurant, but who displays a strong work ethic and interest in the arts, aquaculture or the commercial fishing industry. The awardee must show a commitment to fostering a strong sense of community and be willing to do the small things in order to obtain larger goals and overcome immense challenges. The small things, like sweeping a floor when not asked or showing a smile to a fellow coworker who may be having a bad day are qualities of leadership that do not go unnoticed— and in return create a positive environment for the larger goals to come to fruition.

The first ever OystHERS Scholarship was awarded on June 6th, 2024 to Morse High School Senior Sebastian Lafer, one of OystHERS cherished oyster shuckers. Sebastian will attend Ithaca College in the Fall & plans to become a screenwriter. Be sure to say hello to Sebastian if you see him shucking at the oyster basin!  

If you would like to donate to the scholarship fund, please email info@oysthers.com